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The Basics of Online Bug Tracking: Frequently Asked Questions

The Basics of Online Bug Tracking: Frequently Asked Questions

What type of bug tracking system do you use: an online system or one that is managed in-house? If you answered in-house, you could be missing the most affordable, flexible form of bug resolution. Software as a service (SaaS) tracking offers benefits that in-house tracking does not, and has made in-house tracking obsolete for most IT companies. If you are tired of the hassle of in-house tracking, but you have basic questions about online bug tracking, the answers below can help.

Are SaaS systems tailored or one size fits all?

They are available in both forms. For companies that have basic debugging needs, a pre-designed system is often sufficient; while for companies that have more complex needs, a tailored system is usually the best option. A provider of IT solutions can identify the type of system your company needs.

What type of hardware investment is required for an SaaS system?

Online systems do not require a hardware or software investment. The hardware and software that support SaaS solutions are located at the provider’s facility. Elimination of hardware and software expense is why many companies implement IT solutions on an SaaS basis instead of an internal basis.

What type of maintenance investment is required for an SaaS system?

Online systems do not involve maintenance expense. Because the service provider owns the hardware and software that support its services, it maintains them as needed. Consequently, maintenance issues are usually resolved faster in an SaaS system than in an in-house one.

How easy is it to switch service options?

Switching options in an SaaS arrangement is remarkably easier than switching options in an in-house arrangement. If you need new service options, you contact the provider and they will add the options you need. This eliminates the hassle of implementing new options in an in-house system, which can involve purchasing and installing new software.

How long is the average contract?

Different providers have different contract requirements. Some require mandatory contracts of six months or longer, while others provide services on a monthly pay as you go basis, with longer contracts available for entities whose needs are continuous. Although pay as you go options are convenient, contracts that last six months or more often have the best cost value.

How is cost of service determined?

Cost is determined by three factors: service options, type of contract, and number of system users. In general, the smaller a company’s IT department is, the less it pays. The exception is when debugging is part of a large project, and multiple parties need system identification codes to access the project’s debugging results.

How many users can an SaaS system accommodate?

The number of unique users that can participate in a single service plan ranges from under 10 to well over 2,000.

Can bug and issue tracking software be provided in one service bundle?

Yes. Many SaaS providers consider the former to be an aspect of the latter, though on its own terms.