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6 Benefits of Customized Web Application Development

6 Benefits of Customized Web Application Development

A web application is a client-server computer program that is stored on a remote server and delivered through the internet via a web browser.

Some common web apps you’ve probably worked with include Google Docs, Pixlr, Evernote, Trello, and Netflix. Essentially, a web app is an online computer program that can help you perform a function, rather than just take in information.

If you’re a business, having a customized web application can not only benefit your employees, but can benefit your customers. Here are six benefits of a customized web application:

It’s Tailor Made

A web application made for your business by a web development company will be exactly what you need to solve your problems. The application will be created to serve the specific purpose you need it for, and you can rest assured your application will be able to handle all your business’ requirements.

It’s Scalable

Sure, off the shelf software may address most of your business’ needs, however it’s not as scalable as something custom built. Having a custom web app developed will guarantee that your application can grow as your business does, and you won’t be forced to switch to a more expensive program or worry about costly license purchases.

It’s Safe.

Most online hacking comes from hackers being knowledgeable of weak points in commonly used software, which can put a big target on your business if you use one of those softwares. To hack a custom coded application would take much more time and effort to learn the program, so it will be a less attractive target.

It’s Adaptable.

If your business already uses a few other softwares, it’s no problem to create your custom web app to flow seamlessly with them. Unlike utilizing multiple off the shelf solutions which often will not work together efficiently, a custom web app can be created with your other preferred softwares in mind, ensuring a higher productivity and easy workflow.

It’s Consistently Maintained.

When you use a commercial software, you’re forced to count on that software development company to keep your software running. If the company shuts down or if they decide to no longer maintain that app, you’ll be forced to switch softwares, which can be an unexpected expense for your business.

You Can Save Money Over Time.

Of course, having a custom web app built isn’t necessarily cheaper than using something off the shelf, but over time it can save you a great deal of money. You won’t have to pay for licensing packages or purchase extra hardware, because your application can be built to work with your existing hardware. You’ll also own your application, so you won’t have to pay to use it (only for maintenance).